Political Satire

The One Ring
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c

Smooth Politics
Biden Criticized For Appearing In Hennessy Ads

Chait “responds,” sort of
Jonathan Chait disgraces himself once more. First he mocked Veronique de Rugy’s French name, then in his defense he makes fun of the “G” in my name, which I have…

Two Democrats on an Escalator…
(Now, it seems that the full version is here.)

Someone Who Defends “Our Way of Life”
From America’s Most Reliable News Source: “Area Man Passionate Defender Of What He Imagines Constitution To Be“

No doubt a sad day…
for economically illiterate advocates of monarchy: “Turks mourn relative of Ottoman sultan” Sultans of the Ottoman Empire, from Osman I to Mehmed V

Someone Was Clever
(Note: Not to say I agree with everything in the video, but it sure is a clever idea. I just wish a version had been done under the Bush administration…