A Libertarian Take on One Year of Obama
David Boaz on NPR.org: “For This Libertarian, Obama’s First Year Looks Grim“
David Boaz on NPR.org: “For This Libertarian, Obama’s First Year Looks Grim“
David Boaz in today’s Philadelphia Inquirer: “When government slippery slope goes vertical“
Nobel Peace Prize winner President Obama is escalating the war in Afghanistan and has made no additional moves, beyond what the Bush administration had planned, for any withdrawal from Iraq….
Los Angeles Times: “Obama and free trade: What’s the deal?” Nine months into his administration, Obama’s trade policy is a pastiche of pro-trade rhetoric, violations of international agreements and protectionist…
(Note: Not to say I agree with everything in the video, but it sure is a clever idea. I just wish a version had been done under the Bush administration…
Brian Doherty on Reason.com: “Obama’s Iraq Pullout on Schedule; 1,000 More Troops on Their Way!”
Taxing Americans for buying Chinese-made tires and starting a “trade war” with China (Financial Times: “US tyre duties spark China clash“) Extending the pointless and counter productive trade embargo on…
Obama speaks: “You see, our predecessors understood that government could not, and should not, solve every problem. They understood that there are instances when the gains in security from government…