Japanese Libertarianism
My colleague Jude Blanchette and I had a very fruitful meeting with some remarkable Japanese libertarians this evening. More meetings tomorrow! I also discovered earlier today an interesting review from…
My colleague Jude Blanchette and I had a very fruitful meeting with some remarkable Japanese libertarians this evening. More meetings tomorrow! I also discovered earlier today an interesting review from…
It’s astonishing how poorly equipped many people are today to handle the art of rhetoric, as indicated by the puerile attempts to put down my friend Vero for being French….
The FAZ, one of the most influential newspapers in Europe, reviewed my book Realizing Freedom and Detmar Doering’s very good Traktat über die Freiheit. The reviewer, Professor Michael Zöller, is…
I’m expecting the sales of Realizing Freedom: Libertarian Theory, History, and Practice in la Francophonie to shoot up! It was reviewed at Contrepoints (in French). Alex Korbel posted a shorter,…
I had the pleasure of speaking Thursday night at Wabash College in Indiana and had made a condition of accepting that I would get to visit the Goodrich Room in…
Realizing Freedom: Libertarian Theory, History, and Practice may be just the thing for those looking for Hannukah/Christmas/Kwanzah/Sylvesterabend gifts. (I’ve not forgotten Eid; it’s not too early for next year!) It’s…
At noon, eastern standard time (you can watch online, too): Realizing Freedom: Libertarian Theory, History, and Practice [Facebook page on the book] BOOK FORUM Tuesday, December 1, 2009 12:00 PM…
There will be a Book Forum on my book Realizing Freedom: Libertarian Theory, History, and Practice, featuring comments by Tyler Cowen, next Tuesday, December 1. Details here.