David Brudnoy Signs Off

Boston libertarian radio show host and author David Brudnoy died today at the age of 64. I don’t think that we ever met, but his columns had an impact on me when I read them as a teenager. R.I.P.

One Response to “David Brudnoy Signs Off”

  1. News of David’s death was a bit of a shock to me since he interviewed me on November 19th, less than a month ago, about Putting Humans First and was in good form then. But a few days later he sent out an email saying he is checking into hospital and hopes for the best, so I was somewhat prepared. I’ve known David since 1975, when he was the very first person to review my very first book, on B. F. Skinner, in National Review. He and I remained in touch regularly–I appeared on the air with him, in person, about 4 times and then by phone this last time. He would have me on when I went to Boston discussing one of my latest books. He was an extraordinarily gracious, intelligent, and devoted man–his love of liberty would be tough to match.