Not Only Is There Nonviolence as an Alternative to Conflict — There’s Nonviolent Conflict as an Alternative to Violent Conflict

I’ve long been an admirer of Peter Ackerman, since I first read the book he co-authored on Strategic Nonviolent Conflict: The Dynamics of People Power in the Twentieth Century. He’s gone on to do lots of other exciting and important things for liberty, including writing with Jack DuVall A Force More Powerful : A Century of Non-Violent Conflict and setting up the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict The ICNC promotes strategic approaches to nonviolent conflict for the promotion of freedom. Libertarians have much to learn from their approach and I highly commend them to everyone interested in the promotion of liberty and the rule of law.

(When I was editor of the Humane Studies Review, I commissioned a paper by then-graduate student Bryan Caplan on “The Literature of Nonviolent Resistance and Civilian-Based Defense.” Bryan’s essay remains a helpful guide to the literature on nonviolent resistance.)