Cato University

It’s a big and rather enthusiastic crowd (including participants from China [4], Botswana, Poland, the Czech Republic, Brazil, Jordan, and other countries). I gave my intro and welcoming talk last night on “Why Liberty” and a rather sweeping overview of history from Sumeria to 1776, and Glen Whitman (California State University at Northridge) is doing a great job of showing how economics helps us to understand the world. Robert McDonald (United States Military Academy at West Point) will speak this afternoon on “1776: The Revolution that Changed the World.” Rob is a simply outstanding speaker (and a fine scholar), so I’m looking forward to his talk.

2 Responses to “Cato University”

  1. Hello to you and all my friends at Cato U. at RBI. Glad to see such diverse peoples attending. When will you be back to spread liberty in the nanny-state North East?

    P.S. I hope someone has remembered your morning cappuccinos.

  2. Tom G. Palmer

    I’m sipping one now!

    Great to hear from you. The program is going very well. We’ve got 179 participants, including 46 high-school and college “Bastiat Scholars,” partners from China and other countries. I’m quite pleased.

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