Gay Marriage, from a Constitutional Perspective
New York Daily News: “The moral and constitutional case for a right to gay marriage,” by Robert A. Levy
New York Daily News: “The moral and constitutional case for a right to gay marriage,” by Robert A. Levy
Peter Klein, “On the Term ‘Religion’“
Two former officials in the government of Vicente Fox have come out in favor of ending the drug war, which is causing enormous harm in Mexico. Their book, El Narco:…
I’ve been remiss in not doing this earlier, but I just sent in my donation to Students for Liberty, a group that’s doing a really outstanding job on college campuses…
I’m expecting the sales of Realizing Freedom: Libertarian Theory, History, and Practice in la Francophonie to shoot up! It was reviewed at Contrepoints (in French). Alex Korbel posted a shorter,…
David Boaz has an interesting post at Cato@Liberty: “Ayn Rand Is In“
“Ali Hussein Sibat Must Not Be Executed,” by Raja Kamal and Tom G. Palmer Arabic English UPDATE: It might help to save Mr. Sibat’s life to send letters to the…
From Meklit Hadero. It brought tears to my eyes. I wish I could do more for him. (Raja Kamal and I co-authored an article for the Washington Post about Kareem’s…
I am not a big “New Year’s Resolution” person, but the first day of the new year does provide a punctuation in time, so why not? I will endeavor to…
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