I’m Angry About Obama’s Decisions….
Taxing Americans for buying Chinese-made tires and starting a “trade war” with China (Financial Times: “US tyre duties spark China clash“) Extending the pointless and counter productive trade embargo on…
Taxing Americans for buying Chinese-made tires and starting a “trade war” with China (Financial Times: “US tyre duties spark China clash“) Extending the pointless and counter productive trade embargo on…
I was over to the offices of Reason today for a Reason.TV interview on Realizing Freedom: Libertarian Theory, History, and Practice. I’m not sure when it’ll be up, but I’ll…
CNN: “Johns Hopkins student kills apparent burglar with sword” Authorities are determining whether the student will face criminal charges, Guglielmi said. Naturally, there should be some investigation of the nature…
From FreeKareem.org: “Decision of today’s appeal will be reported on the 20th of October” The Egyptian government could end this torment and abuse by releasing Abdelkareem Nabil Soliman. You can…
“No More Marches on DC” Is it possible to be more transparent? Note: The Post Magically Disappeared! Here’s the screen shot (click to enlarge to readable size): So “the purpose”…
The Financial Times: “US tyre duties spark clash” If you agree, join the FreedomToTrade.org Facebook group at http://www.facebook.com/FreedomtoTrade
This CD is dynamite. It’s intended to make a remarkable library available to people who may have limited access to books or to the internet, but who have access to…
The Obama administration has, to its shame, imposed senseless taxes on tires made in China. It is not only an assault on honest Chinese workers, but on honest American customers….
Mark Calabria actually — gasp! — asks how we could answer that question and looks for the evidence in Cato Policy Report.
Millions of people around the world are alive because of the achievements of Norman Borlaug. Few of them will ever hear his name, even though many, many more will hear…