Bob Levy on our Right-to-Bear-Arms case
Washington Post, 1/September/2009: “Gun Owners’ Next Victory in D.C.,” by Robert Levy
Washington Post, 1/September/2009: “Gun Owners’ Next Victory in D.C.,” by Robert Levy
I’ve just about finished my talk on “Social Security Without the State” for the InLiberty.ru Summer School (in Russian) in Odessa, Ukraine. I’ve been focusing on that and a number…
I have no idea whether it’s in fact “eco-friendly” (it takes resources to make a phone with a solar recharger, and it’s not clear that the “environmental impact” is greater…
Associated Press: “Mexico decriminalizes small-scale drug possession“
It’s been great spending time with advocates for liberty from across Europe (including Turkey) here in Marseille at the European Resource Bank. I’ve learned a good deal about new means…
Washington Post: “Gunning for the District: For some gun advocates, securing the right to keep and bear arms at home wasn’t enough” IF TOM PALMER and his fellow plaintiffs have…
I got in to France yesterday, after a pretty awful flight (I had a two-year old terrorist next to me, who screamed and threw things for the entire flight to…
CNN: “U.S. report: Chavez moving to silence media critics” Chavez’s government defended the draft of the bill, as well as the recent closure of the broadcasters, as being within the…
From the FreeKareem.org website: Kareem’s final appeal You can write to the Egyptian Ambassador to help his case. Please be polite and respectful. More information available at www.FreeKareem.org. I wrote…