Delightful Books I’ve Read Recently
Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the Markets, by Nassim Nicholas Taleb I found Fooled by Randomness interesting and provocative (even when scoring points…
Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the Markets, by Nassim Nicholas Taleb I found Fooled by Randomness interesting and provocative (even when scoring points…
A nicely done video on the enduring legacy of Ayn Rand. I’m not a follower (I’m more eclectic in my views), but I find much to admire in her work,…
It’s astonishing how poorly equipped many people are today to handle the art of rhetoric, as indicated by the puerile attempts to put down my friend Vero for being French….
The FAZ, one of the most influential newspapers in Europe, reviewed my book Realizing Freedom and Detmar Doering’s very good Traktat über die Freiheit. The reviewer, Professor Michael Zöller, is…
I have just received the PDF of the Dari (the Persian spoken in Afghanistan) version of the book Common Sense Economics: What Everyone Should Know About Wealth and Prosperity, by…
I’ve finished a careful reading of James C. Scott’s really fascinating, deeply insightful (and occasionally oddly not-very-insightful) book The Art of Not Being Governed: An Anarchist History of Upland Southeast…
Peter Klein, “On the Term ‘Religion’“
Two former officials in the government of Vicente Fox have come out in favor of ending the drug war, which is causing enormous harm in Mexico. Their book, El Narco:…
I’m expecting the sales of Realizing Freedom: Libertarian Theory, History, and Practice in la Francophonie to shoot up! It was reviewed at Contrepoints (in French). Alex Korbel posted a shorter,…
David Boaz has an interesting post at Cato@Liberty: “Ayn Rand Is In“