Overdose: The Next Financial Crisis
Johan Norberg on Book TV (from his Cato appearance) Johan Norberg at Cato (full video of forum)
Explained by Experts Takis Michas and Patrick Welter I’ve known both Takis and Patrick for years and it was great to have them both together in D.C. to talk about…
George F. Will: “Greece and GM: Too weak to fail“
I’m at a seminar in Indianapolis on the economics of sound money; the discussants include very serious economists (and some others, as well!) and a set of readings largely focused…
And see if Lou Dobbs (that old charmer, who managed to call Don Boudreaux an “idiot” and June Arunga “stupid” within minutes of meeting them in the Green Room) convinces…
I’ve been frantically finishing various projects and now am packing for Central Asia. My friends there are working on a set of proposals to promote liberty and its benefits in…
New York Times: “Push to Eat Local Food Is Hampered by Shortage” Hat Tip: Jude Blanchette (for the link and for the title)