Bakiyev in Belarus
The background: “Ousted Kyrgyz leader Kurmanbek Bakiyev ‘in Belarus’” “Ousted Kyrgyz President Charged With Mass Murder” And a brilliant parodic use of old material: Bakiyev with Lukashenko
The background: “Ousted Kyrgyz leader Kurmanbek Bakiyev ‘in Belarus’” “Ousted Kyrgyz President Charged With Mass Murder” And a brilliant parodic use of old material: Bakiyev with Lukashenko
CNN: “BRIC leaders: IMF, World Bank has ‘legitimacy deficits’” The BRIC nations — a term coined by Jim O’Neill of Goldman Sachs in 2003 as the group of the fastest…
It’s been rather nerve wracking to see events unfold in Kyrgyzstan and to be on the phone with friends talking while there’s gunfire in the background. I am planning on…
New York Times: “Putin Visits Venezuela to Discuss Oil and Arms” Mr. Putin’s one-day visit built on a relationship rooted in billions of dollars of Russian arms sales to Venezuela…
Watch the admission at Cato@LibertyGOP Congressmen: Most Republicans Now Think Iraq War Was a Mistake
The Colombian Constitutional Court has put a stop to the principle of “President for Life” (BBC: “Colombian judges deny Alvaro Uribe third term poll“) A Power Failure for Chavez (BBC:…
“Libertarian” Playboy Mag Hates Choice, Loves Authentic Communism by Michael C. Moynihan includes, as a bonus, Moynihan’s interview with Gorki Aguila of the Cuban band Porno Para Ricardo.
One of China’s most prestigious and influential magazines, Caijing, today ran my article on free trade: “Weaken Our Trade Barriers: It is not only America’s leaders who are erring, Chinese…
From Foreign Policy: “The Islamists Are Not Coming: Religious parties in the Muslim world are hardly the juggernauts they’ve been made out to be,” by Charles Kurzman and Ijlal Naqvi.
From the Wall Street Journal Europe: “The West’s Betrayal of Iran: Europe’s ‘dialogue’ with the mullahs is just camouflage to cover up the trade and appeasement,” by Saba Farzan I…