“Economic Nationalism” = “Special Interests”
Economic Nationalism is just a front for Special Interests
Economic Nationalism is just a front for Special Interests
James Fallows in The Atlantic: “FT, Economist, and me” I’ll post a response later (gotta rush to a meeting now), but it will be fun to show how he has…
Los Angeles Times: “Obama and free trade: What’s the deal?” Nine months into his administration, Obama’s trade policy is a pastiche of pro-trade rhetoric, violations of international agreements and protectionist…
Don’t Repeat Smoot-Hawley
The Financial Times: “US tyre duties spark clash” If you agree, join the FreedomToTrade.org Facebook group at http://www.facebook.com/FreedomtoTrade
The Obama administration has, to its shame, imposed senseless taxes on tires made in China. It is not only an assault on honest Chinese workers, but on honest American customers….
From the London news conference at the offices of the Legatum Institute to launch the FreedomToTrade.org campaign.
From my interview with Diário do Comércio in Brazil. (Click on the image above twice to get a larger view of the page.)
Sign up for the movement for free trade at FreedomToTrade.org.