Who Could Believe Such Craziness??

Lesbian Gangs: â??Weâ??ve actually counted, just in the Washington DC area aloneâ?¦well over 150 of these crews, or gangs, or networks, or houses, or whatever you want to call themâ?¦.â?

“Well over 150” violent lesbian gangs in the Washington DC area alone???? Um, that’s the first time I’ve heard of it. And pink 9mm Glocks????

Radley Balko has some tart comments.

WEIRD UPDATE: The crackpot “detective” and “crime expert” that Bill O’Reilly featured on his show has a website that contains only one item, a “clarification and apology” (not that just making up utterly crazy stories about alleged national crime waves is a bad thing, mind you):

Clarification and apology:

First of all, let me thank you for your feedback surrounding the O’Reilly Factor discussion on Lesbian Gangs. I received several e-mails from viewers, some positive and some negative, offering comments and constructive criticisms. Some of the e-mails I received were threatening and simply hostile. Click here for a sample e-mail I received from one viewer.

During the Oâ??Reilly Factor segment on June 21st, while engaged in a discussion on Lesbian gangs, I inadvertently stated that gang members carry pistols that are painted pink and call themselves the “Pink Pistol Packing Group.” I was not referring to the gay rights group “Pink Pistols” who advocates for the lawful rights of gays to carry weapons for protection. Further, I mentioned that there are “over 150 of these gangs” in the greater Washington DC area. What I actually meant is that there are over 150 gangs in the Washington DC area, some of which are in fact lesbian gangs. Lastly, I mentioned in the segment that there is this “national epidemic” of lesbian gangs. A better choice of words would have been to say that there is a growing concern nationally, and especially in major urban areas, of increased gang activity, which includes some lesbian gang activity.

I apologize for any misunderstanding this may have caused.


Rod Wheeler

5 Responses to “Who Could Believe Such Craziness??”

  1. Mitch R.

    Wow! Where are these wild lesbian gangs? I’d love to see them in action. How come I’ve never heard of them before? Like, ever? Whoooaaaa….wait a minute! Could this be some of that ratings tease that gets those Fox News viewers to lean forward hoping for a shot of girl-on-girl action? Naaahhhhh…..

  2. Anonymous

    there is no evidence to support these allegations

    no case stories

    pile of crock concocted by your usual American bullshit news companies

    come up with some hard evidence like setting up a victims help group to give support to these alleged young schoolgirl victims

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