Chinese Libertarianism
Realizing Freedom: Libertarian Theory, History, and Practice was just reviewed in a major Italian left-of-center daily, Il Riformista: Review of book in Il Riformista. (Another small reason to regret never…
BBC: “US objects to Google book deal” It’s the reaction of the “Justice” Department to this: CNN: “Google lets you custom-print millions of books“
I learned today about the death of a decent and good person, Jim Thiel, the audio-engineering genius behind Thiel Audio, makers of technically advanced audio equipment far more advanced than…
It’s easy! You can join the free trade fan page and join thousands of people, including over 1,000 economists, who’ve stood up for free trade by signing the petition that…
Vote Liberal in the German Elections
Don’t Repeat Smoot-Hawley
CNN: “House passes amendment to cut government funding for ACORN” ACORN is notably corrupt, but mainly because, as a tax-funded clearly political organization, it corrupts American politics. I want their…
Brian Doherty on Reason.com: “Obama’s Iraq Pullout on Schedule; 1,000 More Troops on Their Way!”
BBC: “Denmark pulls ‘promiscuous’ video” Critics says the video implied that along with traditional tourism, Denmark was a place to go to have unprotected sex with strangers, with one Danish…