A Wedding in Argentina
I’ve been busy and not posting. This is a big reason why. I was married to a man from Thailand named Sonram recently. We have been in a relationship…
I’ve been busy and not posting. This is a big reason why. I was married to a man from Thailand named Sonram recently. We have been in a relationship…
Southeast Asia has certain been on the mind as of late. I am attempting to learn Thai, a difficult language with 44 consonants, 28 vowel forms, and 4 tone…
(In Spanish, with French subtitles, but the visuals are compelling and clear.)
This is a really smart video. (And it complements rather nicely the messages in The Morality of Capitalism, forthcoming in late August.)
The Francisco Marroquin University in Guatemala, which is a real world leader in online education and media, has just released the full Hayek interviews organized by Armen Alchian of UCLA…
From America’s Finest News Source: WASHINGTON, DC—A Gallup/Harris Interactive poll released Monday indicates that nearly nine out of 10 Americans are “tired of having a country.” According to study organizer…
The libertarian student movement is growing! The ELSS will be held August 25-28 in Brussels and will bring together serious libertarian student-organizers from around Europe for workshops, strategy sessions, and…
The Afghanistan Economic and Legal Studies Organization with which I work has just published their first book, a Dari edition of Common Sense Economics: What Everyone Should Know About Wealth…
If you’re a student and would like to understand better just what is happening today, as government expands in all directions, and what you can do about it, apply for…
I wonder about the claims about the iPad. It does look very cool and all, but if it runs off of a back lit screen, it’s not going to kill…