TrumPutin: Creating Divisions
The key is that the Kremlin’s ads were promoting both sides of very divisive issues. Like Trump, they seek to divide and crash civil societies, setting groups against groups, fanning…
The key is that the Kremlin’s ads were promoting both sides of very divisive issues. Like Trump, they seek to divide and crash civil societies, setting groups against groups, fanning…
My interview on populism vs. (classical) liberalism in the French magazine Contrepoints: https://www.contrepoints.org/2017/09/20/298869-interview-de-tom-g-palmer-face-populisme-rationalite-liberaux
The coldly evil vision of the Alt-Right. “We will have a Europe, in 2050, where the bank notes have Adolf Hitler, Napoleon Bonaparte, Alexander the Great. And Hitler will be…
I am always pleased to get the chance to return to Asia, a region that seems to grow in its appreciation for Liberty each time I go back. I recently…
This is an interview I participated in from London on business ethics, responsibility, regulation, and the future if freedom on IEA.tv. There is also some discussion of my upcoming book…
I got back today from Manhattan, where I met up with my good friend and colleague Professor Mohammad Abul Ahrar Ramizpoor, director of the Afghanistan Economic and Legal Studies Organization,…
Brought to you by the good folks at Libertarianism.org
My opening remarks from the debate at Freedom Fest, Las Vegas, July 8, 2010: http://tomgpalmer.com/wp-content/uploads/FreedomFest-debate-on-the-state1.pdf
This question was posed by PolicyMic.com: “I’m an American underwater in debt and with a stagnant income. Which group should I support: the Tea Party or Occupy Wall Street?” I…