Now here’s an ugly bit of business….
Chait’s Response to the criticism offered below. And a Little More: Now We Know What Real Humor Is….Or at Least Real Jokes An old friend, Veronique de Rugy, has been…
Walter Block and Tom DiLorenzo, neither known for his subtlety, seem to think that “irony” is what you do to get the wrinkles out of your shirts. My colleague David…
Speeches and Interviews
….to 2009. It is hard to imagine that 2010 could be worse. Overall, one of the worst years of my life. (With one major exception.)
I love pomegranates. They are wonderful. Maybe even my favorite fruit. I just wish that they were easier to eat. Well, my colleague Peshwaz Faizulla (from Iraqi Kurdistan) and my…
Still reads well: “Why Socialism Collapsed in Eastern Europe” (I gave it as a lecture at a Cato University summer seminar on political economy in California during the summer of…
Mirsulzhan Namazaliev on the proposal to have URLs in alphabets other than Latin: “Attack of the alphabets: will Cyber-Cyrillic threaten global online unity?“
Tom Palmer – “Anarchism, Limited Government & Liberalism: A Modest Case for Sacking the State” from oxford libertarian on Vimeo. It was a rather informal chat that covered a number…
Nobel Peace Prize winner President Obama is escalating the war in Afghanistan and has made no additional moves, beyond what the Bush administration had planned, for any withdrawal from Iraq….
BBC: “Russian tower plans cause alarm” Unesco has warned the building of the skyscraper, which would tower over the city’s Neva river and surrounding low-level buildings, could mean St Petersburg…