A Segue to Something a Bit Different

Segways in DC.jpg

I frequently ride my Segway to the office and back. It saves me from the other options: Paying cab fare; A 40 minute walk loaded down with books, computer, briefcase, etc.; Buying a car and a parking space and paying for car insurance. So I just try to ignore as politely as I can all the people who stare at me and wonder “Who’s the dork in the suit?” as I whiz by.

Now I learn that D.C. will……hushed anticipation….be the host city for the national Segway convention this fall. I didn’t know that there was such a thing. Anyway, the Washington Post article (simple registration required) through which I discovered that may be a bit aimless, but it does have some interesting information on Segway ridership around the country. Most amusing were, however, the names of some of the Segway enthusiasts quoted in the piece: William W. Hopper, Chris Walker, and — a staunch defender of guiltfree use of the Segway — Neil Schuldeinfrei.

There is, by the way, a D.C.-based company that arranges Segway tours of the city: Segs in the City.

5 Responses to “A Segue to Something a Bit Different”

  1. Ross Levatter

    There is also a Segway tour of Fisherman’s Wharf and the Marina District of San Francisco, which I had the pleasure of taking in April. 30 minutes is devoted to learning to ride the machines, and then 2.5 hours touring SF on them. What a great device. I have a slight vestibular problem, and wasn’t sure I’d be able to ride the machine, but it was easy.

    I heard the inventor hoped to make a large fortune by selling the Post Office on the idea of buying a fleet, but that failed. Now many cities are outlawing them on sidewalks. Shame.

  2. Ross Levatter

    You publish a blog on cochlear implants but have to look up “vestibular”? I suspect, on balance, your penchant for puns got the better of you…


  3. Pink bits 106

    *Special weakest-ever Pink Bits edition*

    The Tories really know how to sell themselves to the public:

    Lord Saatchi today condemned the Conservative party’s “Fawlty-esque” election campaign and set out his own four-part test for choosing the next …