Right Reason

No left turn sign.jpg

The philosopher and aesthetician Steve Burton is back ablogging at RightReason.

3 Responses to “Right Reason”

  1. Tom G. Palmer

    It’s not. It’s the international street sign for “no left turn,” and it was used by Ohio Congressman John Ashbrook as his campaign logo when he ran for president against the loathesome Richard Nixon in 1972. I just thought that it would be appropriate as an illustration for a link to Burton’s blog, “Right Reason.”

  2. Steve Burton

    Hey, Tom – I was just going to e-mail you about Edward Feser’s post from yesterday about his terrific new *Social Philosophy & Policy* piece on “Private Property and Justice” – and then I thought to check in here first.

    Many thanks for the plug!

    Anyway, Feser’s piece is well worth reading, if you haven’t already. Some libertarian institute or other should snap this guy up in a hurry, before he goes completely paleo-con.