A new group about which I just learned: The European Center for Economic Growth.

The principle mission of the European Coalition for Economic Growth (ECEG) is to work with public policy organizations advocating free markets and limited government, and unbiased and economic climate control, and to assist them in developing and sharing economic education programs. Greater economic literacy among the public, opinion leaders, politicians, and bureaucrats will lead to better public policies which will result in more economic opportunity for everyone.

This web site is a cooperative instrument empowering individuals and public policy think-tanks to mobilize their efforts for the purpose of promoting classical liberal thought in Europe, and thus boosting the pro-growth competition and creativity. It is designed as a tool to spread information among member organisations, and share the findings of their research with the public in form of brief newsflashes as well as insightful articles.

The web site will provide a hub for activities of its members, linking users and groups with common interests and intentions and provide a network for these organizations and institutes. It will also coordinate information to and from Brussels- and Strasbourg-based institutions.

Each member-organization invited to our platform can place material on its own. The web site will enable interested individuals to gain insight into our current projects, and download publications and other media files, including short videos on economic policy issues.

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