Milton Friedman’s Legacy

My interview on Fox Business while here in Berlin. (It’s a part of a whole program on Milton Friedman’s legacy.)

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5 Responses to “Milton Friedman’s Legacy”

  1. Cyril Morong


    Just saw you on Stoessel. My wife was watching it (she had recorded it earlier). I walked into the living room and saw you come on and said “I know that guy.” My wife got mad (she always does if I talk when she watches Stoessel). Anwyay, will gun ownership be a factor in your freedom index?

    Stoessel should have Andrei Shleifer, a Harvard prof, on. He wrote a great article called “The Age of Milton Friedman.” It is online at


  2. Thanks for your commentary on Milton Friedman. His Capitalism and Freedom was my mainstay during my college years at the University of Wisconsin in the late sixties (along with Hayek’s Road to Serfdom).
    This is Friedman’s age in many ways.

  3. Thanks, Cyril!

    The issue of gun ownership was discussed, as were a lot of others. This process will take some time to put into proper shape before trying to launch it. And I’m quite a newcomer to this process, which has been worrying smarter people for some time. The heavy lifters are mainly associated with the Fraser Institute of Canada and the Liberales Institut of Germany, plus a lot of smart academics.

    I’ll check out the essay. Thanks again!


  4. Cyril Morong

    You’re welcome. Hope you are having a good time in Berlin. It was good that Stossel had Norberg on, too. Maybe Stossel could do a show on entrepreneurs as heroes some time.

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